Bài tập so sánh hơn và so sánh nhất

Dưới đây là tổng hợp các dạng bài tập SO SÁNH HƠN và bài tập SO SÁNH NHẤT để giúp các bạn củng cố lại kiến thức lý thuyết đã được học tại lớp. Các bài tập tiếng anh đều ở dạng cơ bản có đáp án.

bài tập so sánh

Nội Dung Bài Viết

Lý thuyết

So sánh hơn

Thêm –er vào các tính từ và trạng từ ngắn (1 vần), 1 số tính từ 2 vần tận cùng bằng –y.

Dùng MORE (không thêm –er) với các tính từ dài (2 vần trở lên).

Sau cấp độ so sánh hơn, ta dùng THAN.

So sánh nhất

Thêm –est đối với tính từ ngắn ( 1 vần).

Dùng THE MOST (không thêm –est) với các tính từ dài (2 vần trở lên).

Bài tập so sánh hơn

Exercise 1

Complete these sentences. Each time use the comparative form of one of the following adjectives or adverbs.




1) This jacket is too small. I need a…………..size.

2) You look……………..Have you lost weight?

3) He’s not so keen on his studies. He’s……………in having a good time.

4) You will find your way around the town…………….if you have a map.

5) You’re making too much noise. Can you be a bit………………?

6) There were a lot of people on the bus. It was………………than usual.

7) You’re late. I expected you to be here…………………..

8) You hardly ever write to me. Why don’t you write a bit………………?

9) The hotel was surprisingly cheap. I expected it to be much…………………

10) It’s a pity you live so far away. I wish you lived………………..

bài tập so sánh nhất

Exercise 2

Complete these sentences. Use the comparative of the words in brackets.

1) Her illness was (serious)……………..we at first thought.

2) Sorry, I’m late. It took me (long)……………to get there than I expected.

3) My toothache is (paintful)……………..it was yesterday.

4) She looks about 20, but in fact she’s much (old)……………she looks.

5) The problem is not so complicated. It’s (simple)…………….you think.

6) Your English has improved. You speak a lot (fluently)……………you did when we last met.

7) Health and happiness are (important)………………..than money.

8) We always go camping when we go on holiday. It’s much (cheap)……………..staying in a hotel.

9) I like the countryside. It’s (healthy)………….and (peaceful)…………….living in a town.

10) The examination was (easy)……………..we expected.

Exercise 3

Complete these sentences. Use the comparative of the words in brackets.

1) It’s (a little / warm) …………….. today than it was yesterday.

2) You’re driving too fast. Can you drive (a bit / slowly)……………..?

3) A: Did you enjoy your visit to the museum?

B: Yes, I found it (far / interesting)……………..I expected.

4) I prefer this armchair. It’s (much / comfortable)……………..the other one.

5) You looked depressed this morning but you look (a bit /  happy)………………now.

6) The flat is too small for me. I need something (much / big)……………….

7) It’s (a lot / easy)………………to learn a foreign language in the country where it is spoken.

8) Her illness was (far / serious)………………we at first thought.

9) Ann works (much / hard)……………most of her friends.

10) Don’t go by train. It’s (a lot / expensive)………………..

Answer key:

Exercise 1:

1) larger        2) thinner        3) more interested         4) more easily            5) quieter / more quiet

6) more crowded         7) earlier         8) more often           9) more expensive          10) nearer

Exercise 2:

1) more serious than           2) longer           3) more paintful than            4) older than

5) simpler / more simple than            6) more fluently than            7) more important than

8) cheaper than             9) healthier /  more healthy – more peaceful than            10) easier than

Exercise 3:

1) a little warmer             2) a bit more slowly           3) far more interesting than

4) much more comfortable than             5) a bit happier            6) much bigger              7) a lot easier

8) far more serious than              9) much harder than               10) a lot more expensive

Bài tập so sánh nhất

Exercise 4

Write a new sentence with the same meaning. Use a superlative each time and begin each sentence as shown.

1) I’ve never seen such a boring film.


2) I’ve never heard such a funny story.


3) He has never made such a bad mistake.


4) I haven’t tasted such good coffee for a long time.


5) I’ve never slept in such an uncomfortable bed.

This is……………………………

6) I’ve never had such a big meal.


7) I’ve never met such a generous person as Ann.


8) I’ve never had such a good friend as you.


9) I haven’t had to make such a difficult decision for years.

This is……………………………..

10) I haven’t had such a delicious meal for a long time.

That is…………………………..

Exercise 5

Choose the correct answer.

1) What is the superlative of “fat”?

A. fattiest                         B. the fattest                     C. fattest

2) What is the superlative of “interesting”?

A. the more interesting                    B. the most interesting                C. most interesting

3) Which word is NOT spelled correctly?

A. shortest                 B. youngest                    C. happyest

4) Which is the…………planet form the sun?

A. far                        B. furthest                         C. farrest

5) Which sentence is NOT correct?

A. That was the most hardest exam ever!

B. This is the best bar in the city.

C. She’s the worst volleyball player in the school.

6) Question 6 is…………….question in the test.

A. most difficult                 B. difficultest                 C. the most difficult

7) The fish is…………thing on the menu.

A. the best                         B. the goodest                       C. best

8) That was…………film I’ve ever watched.

A. most boring                    B. the most boring                   C. boring

9) Karen is………….student in class.

A. healthy                           B. healthier                         C. the healthiest

10) Yesterday was…………..day of the year.

A. hottest                      B. hotest                      C. the hottest

các bài tập so sánh

Exercise 6

Fill in the superlative forms of the adjectives in brackets

1) With winds up to 1500 mph, Neptune has the (strong)……………winds recorded in the solar system.

2) The (interesting)………………Uranian moon is Miranda. It has ice canyons and terraces.

3) Uranus hits the (cold)……………..temperatures of any planet.

4) Karl Henize was the (old)………………..man in space. He was 58 years old.

5) Mercury is the (small)……………….planet in our solar system.

6) Elvis Presley is the (good)………………singer.

7) Marylin Monroe is the (beautiful)……………….actress.

8) Will Smith is the (rich)……………….actor.

9) Borat is the (bad)……………….journalist.

10) Julia Roberts is the (pretty)…………….woman.

Answer key:

Exercise 4:

1) It’s the most bring film I’ve ever seen.

2) That’s the funniest story I’ever heard.

3) It’s the worst mistake he’s ever made.

4) That’s the best wine I’ve tasted for a long time.

5) This is the most uncomfortable bed I’ve ever slept in.

6) It’s the biggest meal I’ve ever had.

7) Ann is the most generous person I’ve ever met.

8) You’re the best friend I’ve ever had.

9) This is the most difficult decision I’ve had to make for years.

10) That is the most delicious meal I’ve had for a long time.

Exercise 5:

1) B              2) B              3) C              4) B                 5) A

6) C              7) A               8) A              9) C               10) C

Exercise 6:

1) strongest           2) most interesting           3) coldest            4) oldest           5) smallest

6) best            7) most beautilful             8) richest             9) worst             10) prettiest

Với các bài tập so sánh hơn, so sánh nhất chúng tôi mong rằng sẽ giúp học sinh thực hành và vận dụng lý thuyết hiệu quả.

Chúc em học tốt!

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